Getting There

Nearest Airports:

Almeria, approx 70 km, 45 minutes

Murcia (Corvera), approx 120 km, 90 minutes

Car hire companies operating at both airports include: Auto-Europe, Budget, Centauro, Europcar, Goldcar, Hertz, Solmar. Zest Car Rental,

Most budget airlines fly to Almeria and Murcia (Corvera), the main ones inlcude: EasyJet, Jet2, TUI Airways, Ryanair.

Airline departure and destination points vary, check to see if an airline flies from your chosen airport to Almeria or Murcia. Alicante and Malaga airports are a little further afield, about 2 hours, but are worth considering, it's easier driving for 2 hours on Spanish roads than it is in Britain.